About this blog

After sharing e-mail after e-mail with my mother's friends and family I decided that it would be more efficient to put this information on a blog so that it would be centrally located. Here you will find information mostly on Fredi Balzano's health struggles. Feel free to contact me with specific questions.

See my other blog at daisybrainlives.blogspot.com for thoughts on knitting and cooking and other family highlights.

Thanks everyone.

Tracy B.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

March 6, 2008

Hi everyone:

I wanted to let you know that I saw Fredi on Tuesday and she really seems to be doing much better, mentally anyway. Her attitude has really changed and hopefully this will lead to some physical improvement.

She was visited by an old friend from High School and that was apparently a cathartic visit. When I saw her the other day we had a good talk and she really wants to get out of there. She is talking more and this has also lifted her spirits. She actually called me on Tuesday morning so things are looking up. Let's hope that this momentum continues.

I want to thank you all for you positive thoughts.

For those of you who are enduring through your own personal crisis, my prayers are with you all.

If you sent me a message to bring to Fredi, she got it.

Keep the faith.


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