About this blog

After sharing e-mail after e-mail with my mother's friends and family I decided that it would be more efficient to put this information on a blog so that it would be centrally located. Here you will find information mostly on Fredi Balzano's health struggles. Feel free to contact me with specific questions.

See my other blog at daisybrainlives.blogspot.com for thoughts on knitting and cooking and other family highlights.

Thanks everyone.

Tracy B.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

March 3, 2007

Hello to everyone:

For those of you who are unaware our beloved Fredi B. has been in the hospital 1) for treatment of diverticulitis which seems to have been resolved and 2) for diagnosis and treatment of a number of other unrelated symptoms.

While I would love to speak to each and every one of you, I am all talked out.

Suffice to say that she is bored, frustrated, worried, anxious, and in some pain. In the last 24 hours she has been poked, prodded, electrified, cut, x-rayed, MRIed, CTed and they aren't done. The good news is that one of her symptoms seems to be improving with the administration of steroids (a sudden inability to see). Now she can at least read and watch some TV.

On Monday we should know more about her condition. She is at St. Vincent's in good ole' Greenwich Village and if you would like to speak to her and find out if she is up for visitors you can call her at (212) 604-5348. She is in room 739-1.

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