About this blog

After sharing e-mail after e-mail with my mother's friends and family I decided that it would be more efficient to put this information on a blog so that it would be centrally located. Here you will find information mostly on Fredi Balzano's health struggles. Feel free to contact me with specific questions.

See my other blog at daisybrainlives.blogspot.com for thoughts on knitting and cooking and other family highlights.

Thanks everyone.

Tracy B.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May 28, 2008

Well we have taken Fredi to the ballet and on June 13 she is planning on going to her 50th high school reunion. The staff at the nursing home and I have been flabbergasted by her recovery. She just keeps getting stronger and stronger. It has been a really long haul and will still be but things do continue to improve. Here's how:

Tracheostomy - Her Trach was removed last Friday. I am sooooo happy about that. I remember the day they told me they would be inserting it. She wasn’t able to handle her secretions and was in danger of drowning on her own saliva. It was awful. I really thought we were going to lose her. I didn’t think that thing was ever going to come out, but it has. She still has her feeding tube and I think that is appropriate since she is still on a lot of medication. If she didn't have the tube she would have to swallow all those pills and that would make her very unhappy. Now they just grind them up and inject them directly into her stomach.

Talking - After not being able to speak for the better part of a year Fredi has a lot to say. She complains often and entertains her nurses and CNAs. They are seeing a side of her that they never have before; smart, funny, active.

Eating - After not having anything in her mouth for the better part of a year Fredi eats almost anything that you put in front of her. I brought her some asparagus from the farmer's market and she recently had Chinese food for the first time compliments of Christina Wright but she is happy with the food they give her at Amsterdam House. There is still some danger that she will aspirate so while she can have water between meals she cannot drink unthickened liquid with food. There is the possibility that water could carry a small morsel into her lungs and then the whole process would start all over. The last thing we need is another pneumonia.

Cutting Food - When Fredi as at Village Nursing Home last year she couldn't cut her own food. Now she can handle a knife and fork quite well.

Walking – Fredi continues to use her legs more and more. Recently she walked 50 feet and now she is using one helper rather than two, one or either side. She is also learning to maneuver her walker so that she can sit on the toilet. She hasn’t done that in a year either.

Heartburn and Acid Reflux - With the repair of her hiatal hernia Fredi hasn't had any heartburn which was pretty constant before she got sick.



1 comment:

Sharon Hawkins said...

I accompanied Fredi, my sister, to her 50th high school reunion last night. She looked ravishing. It was wonderfut to see her all dolled up and gittery nervous.

When we entered the event she was given a "Senior Class Button" in the school colors of maroon and blue and exact replica of the button from 1958. Attached was a photo of her from the high school year book...she looked exactly the same...and so did everyone else...nurdy.

It was and absolute gas to see all of those then and now photos. There was lots of screaming and laughter and hugging.

The only sad moment occurred when Fredi was looking at the display of the photos of the classmates who were deceased. The young man who took her to the senior prom... his photo was there.

A spectacular time was had by all!!